Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Migraine Magic!

There is nothing more wickedly powerful at putting a pause on your day than a migraine.

And the more time I take learning about this fiendish devil the more I've come to respect its power over me when it comes a callin'.

This morning when I woke up I was feeling...pretty bad. I had a variety of symptoms that I thought were due to the weather fronts coming in. Recently things have been pretty mild around here. Nothing too cold, no rain.

But I woke up experiencing:

Shoulder and neck pain
Bright light irritation
Major sinus pressure

Needless to say, I wasn't a happy camper. But I took my allergy meds and thought: "Oh. It'll be fine."

And then when I went outside to take Jaku to work...Wham-O!

Wall of fog right down the street!

So my first impression was: "Oh! Okay! So this is totally the weather's fault! I'm just experiencing some sort of allergy problem. No biggie. Meh. It'll go away when my allergy meds kick in..."

But after three hours I was feeling no better and now I was avoiding loud sounds...

So I did some research while updating the older blog posts and found this little jewel:

Sinus Headaches and Migraines 

I'd actually been looking up what weather pressures could do to your sinuses and found that nifty image located on The Asthma Center page.

I couldn't believe, after all this time, I thought all this was due in part to my allergies!!

A little more research and I found this handy little "How To"

Even then I was still hesitant to believe I had a migraine... For some stupid reason.

And said to myself "Well, I'm not experiencing all these symptoms in the cute little image on the How To! Fatigue, yeah. Moody? Only a little... Just a tiny bit of neck pain!

But, hey! No diarrhea!


I have learned my lesson now. I will not tempt fate again >>;;

The good news is I'm pretty sure I know what my serious headache problem has been for...what...? Over half my life?


Okay. Breathing.

I'm good.

And...yeah. So my day was pretty much shut down by a magical migraine of mischief and mayhem. But the great news is that, besides being a little sleepy, I'm feeling pretty spiffy!

So I plan to get some shut-eye tonight and hopefully I'll be all up to par in the morning.


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